Monday, October 1, 2007

Fwd: Roleplaying Tips Weekly #375: Motivation and Inspiration for GMs

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From: Johnn Four <>
Date: Sep 23, 2007 12:13 PM
Subject: Roleplaying Tips Weekly #375: Motivation and Inspiration for GMs
To: Roleplaying Tips Weekly <>

Roleplaying Tips Weekly E-Zine Issue #375

Why Do You Like Being A GM?
Motivation and Inspiration for GMs

Turn Watcher - the easy initiative tracker for GMs
is proud to sponsor this issue of GMing tips

Sent by Subscription Only with Compliments
From: Johnn Four,

--> A Brief Word From Johnn

--> This Week's Tips:
1. Dealing With Criticism
2. Ask For Compliments
3. Don't Ask For Feedback
4. Don't Let Fear Stop You
5. Make A List - Why Do You Like Being A GM?
6. Bad Sessions Are Probably Great Sessions
7. Make a List - What To Do Better Next Session
8. Try A Different RPG
9. GM Burn-Out Links

--> Readers' Tips Of The Week:
1. Thread Bobbins Boxes For Token Storage
2. MS Access or OpenOffice Base For Campaign Management
3. Encourage PC Survival With Reactive Worlds
4. Fief Book For Medieval GMs

--> Subscribe/Unsubscribe/Switch/Submissions/RSS Info

Do you know a GM who doesn't subscribe? Please send them a
copy of the e-zine or suggest they drop by the site. Thanks!

Lose The Eraser With Turn Watcher

Turn Watcher(tm) is an easy to use Initiative and Effect
Tracker for table-top RPG dungeon masters. It tracks spells
and other effects, alerting you when those effects expire,
automates temporary hit points and hit point boosts, tracks
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handles delayed and readied actions in a snap. Use it to
perform secret Spot and Listen checks and even Will saves on
your players without them being the wiser. Download your
copy today!


A Brief Word From Johnn

New Articles Posted At The Site
"Putting The Fear Back Into Disease" by Mike Bourke
A detailed article about all aspects of disease. A great
resource for world builders questing for realism.

"Tips from the Trenches" by Rana Loreus
A spectrum of GMing advice aimed to help new game masters.

"Colourful Combat Descriptions" by Rana Loreus
Several tips on making combat thrilling and fun through good

"On Feats" by Mike Bourke
An interesting article on how to group and analyze feats in
your D&D campaigns. This will be of particular interest to
GMs who allow a lot of feats or who want to build worlds and
need a good system to organize regional and cultural feats.

Thanks very much to Mike and Rana for the fine article
submissions and sharing their ideas and expertise.

Interview Shenanigans
Yax over at posted a short interview
with me this week. It's pure fun and fluff:

Contest Closes This Week - September 26
There are only a few days left in the 5 Room Dungeon
contest, which closes September 26. The details:

The Contest
Use tips from Issue #372 as a short format template for
making quick 5 Room Dungeons. Send your designs to for a chance to win great loot.

Additional entry guidelines:

Example entries:

5 Room Dungeon: Thieves' Guild

5 Room Dungeon: Isles of Ice

In conjunction with the fine folks at Strolen's Citadel, the
5 Room Dungeon contest gives you a chance to have fun
wielding your creativity, help other GMs with your designs,
and win any of the following:

3 x D&D modules:
* DCC #46 Book of Treasure Maps
* DCC #47 Tears of the Genie
* DCC #50 Vault of the Iron Overlord by Monte Cook
From: Goodman Games

5 x Adventure PDFs:
* 1 on 1 Adventures #5 Vale of the Sepulcher
* #6 Shroud of Olindor
* #7 Eyes of the Dragon
* #8 Blood Brothers
* Advanced Adventures #3 The Curse of the Witch Head
From: Expeditious Retreat Press

1 x D&D Icons Gargantuan Black Dragon
From: Legend Games

3 x MyInfo Personal Reference Software licenses
From: Milenix Software

Have a great week.


Johnn Four


Rule as the Sultan Rules!

ENnie-nominated adventure designer Wolfgang Baur is creating
a limited-edition Al-Qadim-style adventure featuring
gorgeous maps and original encounters. The adventures are
easy to fit into any desert, urban, or waterborne campaign,
and will feature at least six Arabian Nights adventures.
Sign up today at the Free City, and shape the next Open


Why Do You Like Being A GM?
Motivation and Inspiration for GMs

By Johnn Four

Here is an e-mail I received recently from a troubled GM:

"I've been playing D&D for about a year now, DMing that
group for 3/4 part of that period. Because we live a fair
amount apart from each other we cannot play every week, and
therefore we lack a continuous rhythm. But that is not the
main issue I'm mailing about. The thing is, I find it hard
to motivate myself lately. I'm rather new to this, and one
member of our group can be very precise about how things do
not work correctly. Although both he and the others assure
me I'm doing a good job, I find that I take that criticism
very hardly.

As a result, I asked them for feedback using a questionnaire.
Again, they gave me a lot of things to work on but also gave
a lot of nice words to keep me going. Yet, I still find that
I'm no longer as motivated as I used to be in the beginning.
I've got plenty of ideas to work on, and am actually looking
forward to see what they will do next time, but somehow I
find that other things in my life seem more prioritised
lately. It is as if I've had an 'overdosis' of D&D and just
need to take a break. I did that, we haven't played for
about a month now, but I still am not that convinced about
wanting to keep doing this.

Concluding, I've got a question: How to motivate yourself,
as a DM, when you just seem to be less energetic about
working on the new adventures. There are plenty articles
about motivating players, but I cannot find articles about
motivating myself, as a DM. Hopefully you know some tips
regarding this issue."

- P. from Holland

Across the intarwebs I've seen GMs declaring their
retirement, quitting, and throwing their hands up and
walking away from the table. Many of them comment they still
want to keep being a GM, but something is askew and they're
giving up, whether temporarily or in a "selling all my books
on eBay" kind of way.

There will always be GMs in different stages of life
tackling new challenges, gaining new priorities, and
stumbling upon new interests. These folk will come and go
from the hobby, and that's natural and healthy.

However, if you are a GM who's burnt out or stuck, but you
still want to be a game master, then the following tips are
for you.

1. Dealing With Criticism
Handling critique takes up many volumes of self-help and
management books on Amazon. If not handled well, it's
destructive and can kill enthusiasm faster than a total
party kill at the hands of flumphs.

If you are struggling with criticism of your GMing, here are
some basic tips:

* Don't let it get to you. Haha, that's easy for me to say,
right? However, being less sensitive to criticism is a
process and you can take action to overcome this GMing
block. It does take time, but keep at it.

The first step is to become determined that criticism won't
bother you. Write yourself a note to this affect and read it
often. Your sensitivity is a state of mind, an attitude, and
therefore in your control. Write this note now.

* Seperate the message from the messenger. Often,
sensitivity comes from the relationship you have with the
player providing the critique. The best thing you can do is
seperate what the person is saying from the person who's
saying it. Evaluate the message on it own terms, gain some
objectivity (which increases confidence) and use the
information provided to better yourself, if it applies.

* It's just information. It's feedback, but not necessarily
truth. You are receiving information, which deserves to be
processed, regardless of source, objectively. Note that the
information could be wrong or incomplete. It could be an
opinion that does not actually reflect the truth.

If you can make your first reaction to be moving into
objective and information processing and evaluation mode,
your GMing will improve and sensitivity to criticism will go

* Quit reading into things. Don't look for more into the
message than what's there. Mind games with yourself causes
worry and stress, and erodes confidence. Use direct
communication (see below) to uncover and verify any
assumptions, hunches, or guesses you've made. In addition,
it's not fair to the folk providing you feedback - probably
with the best of intentions - that you read into things and
create baseless motives or hidden meanings into their well-
meaning words.

* Use direct communication. Be up front and honest with
people providing feedback. Ask questions until you
understand everything to your satisfaction. Don't let
unspoken words become seeds for doubt and GMing worry. Just
ask. Did you mean Y when you said X? Can you explain a bit
more on that point? Why do you think this? I didn't
understand point X, can you try explaining again?

* Take it on the chin. Adopt the attitude that you will get
criticism during life from many sources, often unrequested.
Sometimes they will be right, sometimes partially right, and
sometimes wrong. Actions do speak louder than words.
Improved GMing is the best response to criticism.

Your best bet, unless defending yourself or being defensive
will accomplish something positive, is to take all feedback,
assess it objectively, and match it up with your goal of
becoming a better GM.

Take it on the chin, thank them for their input (they cared
enough to provide it, after all) and then be determined to
take whatever positive actions you can to enjoy your hobby
even more and help your players do the same.

It's often easiest to say thanks, walk away, and return with
thoughts, ideas, and actions to improve your game at the

2. Ask For Compliments
If criticism is getting you down, ask for compliments as well.

* What did you like about last session?
* What was your favourite part about the last adventure?
* What do you think are my weaknesses and strengths as a GM?
* What could I improve upon? What did I do well last session?

Store compliments and positive feedback in a place where you
can re-read them when you're feeling uninspired, worried, or
down on your GMing.

My friend Murdock keeps game comment journals. He hands out
a comment book after every game and players write whatever
they like in there. He can go back and re-read all the
compliments he's received over the years anytime he needs
support from his friends.

3. Don't Ask For Feedback
Another approach is to stop asking for feedback. :)
Seriously though, I realized that if my players keep showing
up and seem to have a good time then that's the best
feedback I could ask for. Doing surveys and probing can
sometimes be narcissistic. It's better to just continue
GMing and be confident someone will speak up if they're not
having fun.

4. Don't Let Fear Stop You
Is there a possibility you have a fear of failure with
regards to GMing? Such a worry would definitely make one
hesitant to GM. Fear of failure can block action of any

The great news is the more you GM the better you get. Use
criticism as feedback to help you improve faster than if you
had to figure things out just by yourself over time. Use
fear to get angry at yourself for feeling scared, and just
sit down in the GM's chair and do it.

Acknowledging fear of failing as a GM is an awesome first
step to diagnosing lack of inspiration, enjoyment, and
motivation to doing something you actually enjoy a lot. If
you can pinpoint exactly what your biggest worry is, then
you have even more ammo to fight the problem with.

The solution often lies in the wording of the problem or
fear itself.

* I am scared I will embarrass myself in front of all my

Possible solution: GM a one-on-one game or two before
running a large group, or try a short online campaign where
you can remain anonymous.

* I am getting the rules wrong all the time. My players know
the rules better than I do.

Possible solution: Don't bear the rules burden yourself -ask
your players to help and allow yourself to master the rules
over time, hopefully through many fun gaming sessions. Note
bad rules mix-ups and create cheat sheets between sessions.
Ask your players directly about it - they probably empathize
and don't hold rules errors against you.

* I am a boring GM.

Possible solution: Ask your players what makes games
exciting to them so you know what to add to future sessions.
Ask other GMs what makes them compelling storytellers. Make
a list of what you could do better, and tackle one thing per
session. Ask your players what they like about your GMing.

5. Make A List - Why Do You Like Being A GM?
In the face of adversity in a hobby, it's great to have a
solid understanding of why you enjoy it and what you get out
of it. If you aren't quite sure why you want to be a GM or
all the reasons you like it, make a list.

Why do you like being a GM?

Before you throw your hands up in frustration, walk away
from an unproductive planning session, or go to sleep after a
troubling game, consult your list to get enthused again and
motivate you to keep at it.

The list, if you have good reasons on it, is your bedrock
from which your GMing activities should flourish:
design, organization, preparation, running the game, post-
session activities.

If you are blocked, or if something about GMing right now is
bugging you, use the list as encouragement to make whatever
changes you need to return to fun and thrilling times. You
have the reasons why you like GMing before you - use this to
cut a swath through fear, uncertainty, and doubt to make
changes or plough throw difficult tasks.

After you GM each session, pull out your list and add to it.
What did you like about GMing this time? If there's a new
reason, add it and continue building up a good, long list
for future motivation and encouragement.

Reader Poll
Why do you like being a GM? I'd love to share your reasons
with Tips readers so we can all build and add to our lists.
E-mail me with reasons why you
like GMing.

6. Bad Sessions Are Probably Great Sessions
Ever had that feeling after the game that things didn't go
well? Often, you're wrong. Things did go well; you just have
a skewed perspective.

* GMing Gaffs
Maybe from behind the screen there were some errors and
accidents. You got the map wrong, you botched an encounter,
or you forgot to plant an important clue.

You are human. You will make mistakes, guaranteed. The more
you GM, the more mistakes you will make. How's that for
encouragement, eh?

Your players won't notice your errors most of the time.
Don't beat yourself up about it - your players certainly
aren't worried. If an error does need to be addressed, game
it out, call it out, or in rare circumstances, back things
up and replay. No big deal.

A great piece of advice I received was to make errors often
- just don't repeat them.

* It Was Boring
Things went as planned, or they didn't, but you felt no
spark or excitement during the session. Return to your list
of why you like GMing to ensure you get that spark next

In the meantime, your players had a great time. Remember
that they don't know what you do. They have no idea what's
beyond the next corner. You might know there's nothing
(yawn) but to them it's all a mystery and that's pretty

Another thing GMs miss out on is the roleplaying between
characters. While you are reading your notes, crunching
numbers, and thinking ahead to the next encounter, your
players have their character sheets with all the choices and
options to think about in front of them, and they have time
to roleplay with each other. If your players do this, it's
pretty fun. Hear that laughter break out because the dwarf
just made a good elf insult? That's fun happening. The
session is not boring.

GMs also miss out on much of the social aspect during games.
Again, while you are busy doing GM things, the players are
all hanging out playing a game together. When I GM, even if
I'm busy as heck and have a screen setup like a barrier, I
still feel like I'm part of a game we're all enjoying.
That's not boring.

* It Didn't Click
Stilted pacing can make you feel like a session wasn't fun.
Periods of silence, drawn-out combat or roleplaying scenes,
or slow story progression might make you feel like a session
was poor. However, GMs perceive pacing differently than
players do.

Again, put yourself in the players' chairs. What would their
perspectives have been? Were they eagerly anticipating their
turn while cheering on their friends? Were they quietly
puzzling over some story clues handed out last session? Were
they thinking all sorts of game things, imagining scenes,
coming up with another pun, planning out character
advancement, or brushing up on some rules?

Often, things don't feel like they clicked because you were
so focused on GMing. You were heads-down, thinking,
planning, plotting, reading, researching. You sometimes had
no idea what should happen next and were frantically being
creative with NPC roleplaying or making encounters up on-
the-fly. To your players, the session flowed along and it
all played out just fine.

Nowadays, if a session felt off for some reason, I know
that's just my perspective, and most likely the session was
good. If I'm quite worried, I'll just ask.

'Course, some things are fun killers that do result in bad
sessions. Player conflicts, being tired, a bad gaming
environment. In these cases, you fix what is under your
control, and you don't worry about what isn't. You don't
bear the entire burden for making game sessions go well.
Your players are also part of the equation and they need to
be positive influences during game night as well.

7. Make a List - What To Do Better Next Session
Noting what you need to do better next game is a great
method for constant improvement. With improvement comes
greater confidence, more enjoyment, and increased
motivation. Writer's block often disappears when you are
certain next session is going to be great.

Write down each point of pain, idea for doing something
better, and player suggestion. Recognizing what to improve
often requires creating an awareness during sessions of
what's going well and what isn't. You will get a feeling
something could be done better (my notes are a mess, the
treasure I handed out sure was boring, that NPC felt flat)
and your job is to learn to recognize when you have that
sense and to figure out its source.

Your improvement list also serves as a great session
preparation checklist. Treasure boring? Take steps to ensure
you have great treasure next game.

With limited time available, you will need to read through
your list between each session and prioritize what you will
and will not tackle for next game. Unless your list is short
(congratulations!) you won't have the resources to tackle
everything. Make a decision of what you can and will do,
stick with it, and improve over time.

Your list ensures nothing gets forgotten, even if it can't
be addressed for awhile. Look for items you can delegate to
your players or get help with from other GMs at your
favourite forums. Adding to - and reading through - your
list often results in improvement just from the awareness of
what needs tweaking. Nice!

8. Try A Different RPG
You've heard this advice before: play a different game if
you aren't enjoying GMing or are getting burnt out. The key
is to play something very different. There are many aspects
to GMing and playing RPGs. Different games with unique
designs offer you chances to explore and find a combo that
inspires you.

The best case scenario is you find a new game that lets you
GM exactly the way you want and you are excited, like the
first time you played an RPG, all over again.

For example, one of my awesome volunteers, Erin Smale,
publishes the Chimera RPG, which offers realistic campaigns,
smooth game flow, and intuitive mechanics.

I just purchased the Dread RPG, which uses a Jenga tower as
part of the mechanics! GMs over at ENWorld are raving about
Castles and Crusades, saying they get the D&D experience
without all the prep and rules overhead. One of this e-
zine's sponsors, Expeditious Retreat Press, publishes
adventures for OSCRIC, a system for old-school fantasy
gaming. The Burning Wheel game offers mechanics where
players help you with a lot of the world and story creation,
in addition to providing a built-in story and encounter

Perhaps GURPS is what you're after, with its universal
system that allow you to GM any genre or setting without
learning a new set of rules each time. The Amber RPG, based
on the books by Roger Zelazny, offers a wonderful diceless
experience. The new Stars Wars RPG offers refined d20

The point is to play something completely different. You've
got to fill your creative well with the waters of new ideas
and experiences. If you like GMing, but are feeling blocked
or tired, give a new game a shot. Read the reviews and
information online. Ask your fellow GMs. Then choose a new
game, even as a one-shot or short adventure. You could also
visit a gaming convention and sign-up for games you haven't
tried before.

9. GM Burn-Out Links
Here are some tips and articles focused on helping GMs
prevent or cure burn-out:

9 Symptoms Of GM Burn-Out: Avoiding GM Burn-Out Part I

8 Tips For Recovering From GM Burn-Out: GM Burn-Out Tips Part II

7 Tips For Sci-Fi Burn-Out

More Dynamic Campaign Tips

Roleplaying Tips Weekly Supplemental #9: "Remedies For GM

Commandment 10: Thou Shalt Have Fun And Avoid Burn-Out

7 Tips For Dealing With GM ADD

Bad Gamemasters I Have Known And Loved: The Workaholic GM

Readers Respond: Helping Workaholic GMs

DM Secrets for Building Better Players


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Readers' Tips Of The Week

Have some GM advice you'd like to share? E-mail it to - thanks!

1. Thread Bobbins Boxes For Token Storage
From: Rich Miller

In the past you had a tip for holding counters in a film
canister and then you asked about holding square tokens.
I've been using 2 boxes that I found at a Michael's Crafts
store that are designed to hold thread bobbins. They are
very similar to this box:

These boxes cost about $2.00 each. Most of the spaces are
about 1.5 inches square, and 1 of the spaces is bigger and
fits large tokens like dragons (although they rest at an
angle, not flat). I've divided the rest of the tokens up by
theme. 1 box has PC and NPC races divided by race and sex,
and the other has monsters divided as undead, orcs, goblins,
demons, etc. My group has teased me about all the tokens I
have gathered, but I'm having fun.

2. MS Access or OpenOffice Base For Campaign Management
From: Roger Nicholls
For those of you with skills in database software, I use MS
Access. Start making use of it when you first build your
campaign world. I use it to store events, secrets, dates of
things, and more. Using your database you can then get it to
provide timelines of towns, etc., by creating simple queries
to run against the data. I've found it amazing how quickly
you can start to create a detailed database with minimal

3. Encourage PC Survival With Reactive Worlds
From: Crazy Nedri
As GM, you have to remember the world revolves around the
players. This does not mean they should have everything go
their way; far from it. The game is made by a bunch of
monkey wrenches thrown in to stop the payers and twist up
their goals. By this, I mean the world will be affected by
the players, and it is important to make them feel like they
are having an affect, be it negative or positive. The
players' choices, actions, and relationships should change
how people react and think of them. Sometimes, their
reputation might precede them when meeting new people.

This also encourages players to keep their characters alive.
We all have players who do not care much if their current
character dies, because they have a new one already made up
that's even better. If the long-lasting characters have
affected their environment, then the rest of the party will
hopefully follow.

4. Fief Book For Medieval GMs
From: Roman Gheesling

After seeing a number of book recommendations in the e-zine,
it brings to mind an excellent book regarding day-to-day
medieval life.

"Fief: A Look at Medieval Society from Its Lower Rungs" by
Lisa J. Steele is an excellent overview of all aspects of
medieval life as the average commoner would experience it.
Fief covers the fundamentals of feudal hierarchy,
architecture, animals and agriculture, temporal and
ecclesiastical government, medieval society, population, and

I'm glad I bought Fief because it is an excellent reference
and idea springboard when I find myself making my campaign
world's governments and cultures too much like 21st century
middle-class America.

Fief is available as a nicely illustrated, fully indexed,
100 page PDF e-book from Cumberland Games and Diversions.
Get free sample pages, including the table of contents and
the index at:


Roleplaying Tips GM Encyclopedia

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It provides indispensable advice, tips, and information
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That's it for this week's issue.

Have more fun at every game!

Johnn Four


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